Monday, March 12, 2007

The Long Overdue........

Random Question!!!!

Why do you think is funny?

Only been there a few times and its all's fault I went there. My mom thinks it's weird. But then, I'm weird.


Galadriel said...

Ha ha! I'm so sorry! Anyway, I get my strange sense of humor from my father. This truth enables me to enjoy the goofy things in life such as I honestly don't know why the site is funny. I only know that I have a weird sense of humor and thus I enjoy it immensely.

PRH said...

I think it's funny too - like I said, I'm odd. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think its the governtment ... and i shall explain... u see the government is single handely taking over the web and putting subleminal messages in these"funny" cartoons and using retarded characters to portay americans ... or at least some ... and the only thing they will accomplish is being able to control us by making us rambling idiots... but only a selct few of us have a high enough brain function thingy to not be dumbed um ... down werd ...holled im watking home star runer.......

Anonymous said...

WAVE OF BABIES!!! you just cant be funnier than that, you just cant.

BTW, that was the the teen girl squad cartoons